Amiga Format CD 31
Amiga Format CD31 (1998-09-02)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-10].iso
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Text File
282 lines
; PPT Installer script
; $Revision: 1.6 $
; $Date: 1998/06/28 23:26:00 $
;(message "\n"
; "\n"
; "This is a pre-release version of PPT and\n"
; "\n"
; "\n"
; "without the written permission of the author"
; (all)
; )
(welcome "This is the PPT Installation utility."
"Thank you for choosing to test PPT.")
; Set defaults
(set ##installdir "Work:")
; Processor
(set ##use020 (not (patmatch "68000|68010" (database "cpu"))))
(set ##use881 (not (patmatch "688|68040|68060" (database "cpu"))))
; If user-level is expert, ask which versions to install.
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set ##use020
(prompt "\n"
"Do you wish to use the 68020+ optimized\n"
"versions of the BGUI library and PPT?")
; "version of PPT?")
(help (cat "It might be a good idea to install the version "
"that best suits your Amiga's processor." ))
(default ##use020)
(debug "Use020 : " ##use020)
(debug "Use881 : " ##use881)
; Ask the directory to be installed in
(set ##installdir
(prompt "Choose the directory you wish to install\n"
"PPT in. A directory called 'PPT' will be\n"
"created for you in this directory"
(help (cat "Choose the top directory for PPT. Installer will "
"then create a directory called 'PPT' in the directory "
"you chose and copy all of the PPT software in that "
@askdir-help) )
(default ##installdir)
(debug "You chose" ##installdir)
; Tack on the dir name
(set @default-dest (tackon ##installdir "PPT"))
(debug "You chose" @default-dest)
; Remove old modules
(complete 20)
(if (exists @default-dest)
(tackon @default-dest "modules/#?")
(prompt "Deleting previous installation")
(help "Since PPT modules can change between releases, "
"for now the previous installation must be deleted "
"before the new one is installed.")
(debug "No previous installation")
; Copy main executables
(complete 30)
(prompt "Installing PPT executable")
(source (if (= ##use020 1) "ppt020" "ppt" ) )
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "ppt")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing icon")
(source "ppt.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
;; Copy docs
(complete 40)
(prompt "Installing documents")
(source "Docs")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Docs") )
(help (cat "Choose which document files you want to install. "
"I really recommend you install them all.\n\n"
@copyfiles-help) )
(complete 50)
(prompt "Installing miscallaneous stuff")
(source "")
(choices "README" "HISTORY" "ReleaseNotes" "ppt.asc" "ModuleInfo")
(dest @default-dest)
(help (cat "Choose which additional files you wish to install. "
"Again, I recommend you to install these all, as these "
"contain the release notes and the ModuleInfo utility.\n\n"
@copyfiles-help) )
(complete 60)
(prompt "Installing REXX scripts")
(source "rexx")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "rexx") )
(help (cat "Here you can choose not to install all of the REXX scripts. "
"I really recommend that you install them all.\n\n"
@copyfiles-help) )
;; PPT libraries
(complete 70)
(prompt "Installing PPT external modules")
(source "modules")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "modules") )
(help (cat "Choose which external modules you'd like to install. "
"If you wish to save space, you can remove those modules "
"you think you're not going to need, such as the modules "
"which have not been compiled for your processor. However, "
"PPT can figure out which processor your machine has and "
"determine, which module is the best for you. So you don't "
"really need to remove any of these modules.\n\n"
@copyfiles-help) )
; (prompt "Copying PPT executables & modules")
; (source "")
; (dest @default-dest)
; (pattern "~(libs)")
; (help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing icons")
(source "/PPT.info")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "/"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
; Install libraries
(complete 80)
(prompt "Copying BGUI library")
(source (if (= ##cpu020 1) ("libs/bgui.library_e") ("libs/bgui.library")))
(dest "libs:")
(newname "bgui.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying BGUI floating point gadget")
(source "libs/bgui_float.gadget")
(dest "SYS:Classes/Gadgets")
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying BGUI palette gadget")
(source "libs/bgui_palette.gadget")
(dest "SYS:Classes/Gadgets")
(help @copylib-help)
;(message "\n\n\nNow make sure you have BGUI 41.8 installed. Also, do not "
; "forget to install the BGUI palette gadget in your SYS:Classes/Gadgets "
; "directory!")
; Make assigns
(complete 90)
(set ##jpegdir
(prompt "You must now choose a place for any "
"temporary JPEG files to be put in. "
"(See Help for more info)"
(help "The JPEG loader needs a JPEGTMP: assign "
"in order to handle really large progressive "
"or multi-scan files. If you already happen "
"to have this assign, just say 'Skip This Phase'. "
"If not, then you should pick up a hard drive "
"directory with plenty of space."
(default ##installdir)
(makeassign "JPEGTMP" ##jpegdir)
(set ##jpegassign ("Assign >NIL: JPEGTMP: %s" ##jpegdir))
(startup "PPT JPEG loader"
(prompt ( "\nI shall now add the following line\nto your S:User-Startup:\n\n%s"
(command ##jpegassign )
(help @startup-help)
; The END.
(complete 100)